January 2024 update

January 2024 update

Happy New Year to all of you from Danielle, myself, and all that is Midheaven. As we wend our way into 2024, we want to take a minute to reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken so far with a candid exploration of the personal challenges we’ve faced over the past month, the milestones we’ve achieved despite them, and an urgent request for support from our vibrant and caring community.

Weathering a Dark Storm & A Source of Grace

This month presented unexpected challenges that tested our resilience and determination. The season’s first snow felled a tree on our property and brought down the power line to the hen house which we had been temporarily using as a workshop. A week later, an early December diagnosis of pancreatitis for me after two days of intense pain led to the closure of the Perpetual Sale for the rest of the year. On the 20th of December, I broke my hand as a result of dealing with my mental health issues. I then spent most of Christmas day in the emergency room due to a kidney stone. Our journey forward has been difficult this past month, and so we are transparent about our struggles: they not only affect our personal lives but also the pace of Midheaven’s development.

On a positive note, Danielle has continued to channel her creativity into her art, music, and programming development. Even while making herself graciously available to help me navigate all of the issues that I deal with (so much to be said about this!), she has remained dedicated to her artistic pursuits and Midheaven’s spiritual and creative mission. Despite the challenges this past month brought us, her commitment is a testament to the love, resilience and grace that Midheaven represents. Her support has allowed me to heal and to continue composing and planning for Midheaven’s future. We are slowed down, but not stopped! Lastly, we have a vehicle again thanks to a generous donation from my sister Naomi and her Fiancée, T.J.

Financial Struggles: Navigating Uncertainty

Through faith, love, and help we continue to move forward despite financial struggles, including difficulty finding part-time work for supplemental income, completing art and ceramic projects to generate primary income (though Danielle is making headway here), and securing the funding we had hoped to by now for Midheaven’s programs and longer-term goals. We are not giving up, but my mental heath and medical challenges this past month have affected our ability to move forward as quickly as we had hoped. I am recovering and we are in good spirits. While we remain resilient and optimistic, the reality is that these challenges have put us in a position of urgency. We need the support of our community to overcome these hurdles and keep Midheaven’s mission alive.

Forward Motion Despite the Setbacks

We are unwavering. Underserved communities like ours can greatly benefit from the kind of sanctuary and personal experiences the sacred space for spiritual healing arts, and music we envision can provide. We have grown in our resolve to transform our farm for those who need it, and your continued support will be instrumental in bringing our dream to life.

And to that end, here’s what we’ve accomplished since October 7, 2023.

  • Established Midheaven, Inc. as a non-profit organization in Vermont:
    • Completed the legal and administrative processes required to officially register as a non-profit entity in the state.
    • Established an EIN and intent to operate as a 501(c)(4) with the IRS.
  • Developed and refined the organizational structure and vision for Midheaven:
    • Defined the roles and responsibilities of key positions within the organization.
    • Clarified the overall vision and mission, ensuring alignment with the goals of community enrichment in arts, spirituality, and sustainability.
  • Community outreach efforts and volunteer recruiting
    • Actively engaged with the community through various channels, including social media, perpetual sale, and virtual networking opportunities.
    • Communicated the mission and goals of Midheaven to attract individuals passionate about contributing as board members and volunteers.
    • Posted open and available roles for volunteer opportunities with Midheaven
  • Advanced planning for upcoming spring programming and events:
    • Outlined themes for the upcoming programming.
    • Started preparations for events that align with Midheaven’s mission.
  • Initiated renovation and clean-up efforts on the property:
    • Undertook physical tasks to clean, renovate, and prepare various spaces on the farm property for development.
    • Contributed to the transformation of existing structures to create community-accessible spaces.
    • Weatherized the stables for use as a winter workshop.

Urgent Call for Help: Join Us in Building Midheaven

As we share these challenges, we do so with a hopeful spirit and a firm belief in the resilience of our community. We are at a point where we need help, not just in terms of just goodwill but in concrete actions. Your support can come in various forms – joining the band, volunteering your time, joining our board, contributing financially, or spreading the word.

We are still actively seeking board members and volunteers across various roles. Your expertise, dedication, and unique perspectives are vital to shaping Midheaven into the sanctuary we envision. Whether your skills lie in governance, fundraising, program development, or other areas, we welcome your contributions.

How You Can Help:

  1. Join the Band: We’re in need of like-minded musicians and back-up singers interested in exploring and creating music with us. Covers and original music for shows here and elsewhere.
  2. Volunteer Opportunities: Check out the volunteer opportunities available at Midheaven. Whether you have skills in renovation, fundraising, or a passion for music, there’s a place for you.
  3. Board Membership: Consider joining Midheaven’s board as we shape the future of our organization. Your expertise in nonprofit governance, finance, or community outreach is invaluable.
  4. Financial Support: If you’re in a position to contribute financially, your support will directly impact Midheaven’s ability to overcome the current challenges and thrive.
  5. Spread the Word: Share our mission with your networks. The more people who know about Midheaven, the stronger our community becomes.

Closing Thoughts: A Collective Journey

In closing, we want to express our gratitude for the unwavering support and encouragement we’ve received thus far. Midheaven is not just our vision; it’s a collective journey, and together, we can overcome the hurdles before us. As pockets of despair and darkness continue to reveal themselves in the world, we want Midheaven to be an antidote. A path towards something greater. We look forward to this new year with hope, resilience, and a shared commitment to the transformative power of art, spirituality, and community.

With heartfelt thanks and hope for the future.