December 2023 update

December 2023 update


Hi! It’s Sabin here with Midheaven’s second monthly update. We’ve come a long way since our initial foray on October 7th, and I’m happy to share our continued progress with you. To better keep us focused on the journey ahead, I’ve organized our efforts and updates into specific organizational areas and set an overall theme for each of the next five years.

The working theme for this first year is Establishment & Initial Development as we continue to learn about this process and lay the necessary groundwork for an exciting future. Despite November being a wild ride for us, we are grateful for the progress we’ve made, and humbled and thankful for people’s curiosity, caring, and generosity. I’ll give a brief summary of some key events and then get into the overall update. It’s a big one!

  • A Promising Start: The month began on a positive note with our Perpetual Sale day. It was heartening to see so many of you, and we’re grateful for the $55 in sales. More than the sales, though, it’s the growing connections within our community and the affirmation of our vision that truly enrich us on these Sale days.
  • Health Challenges: The week that followed, however, reminded us that life can be unpredictable. I began experiencing intense pain, leading to an emergency room visit and a diagnosis of idiopathic pancreatitis on November 10. This necessitated a temporary pause on the Perpetual Sale. Thankfully, with rest and recuperation, I feel much better and we’re hopeful to resume activities soon.
  • A Milestone Achievement: Despite the health issues slowing down physical work, we kept going on the legal and organizational side to meet our first major milestone. We officially incorporated Midheaven, Inc. as a non-profit in Vermont on November 24, 2023! Our journey towards obtaining 501(c)(4) status as a spiritual, arts, and advocacy organization continues at the pace we’d hoped for.
  • Generous Support: Regardless of the roller-coaster we go on, the kindness we receive has been steadfast and warm. Heartfelt thanks to Joan from Maine for the bamboo flooring, the Pierce family in Vermont for an array of shop tools, and the Demuths of Vermont for a gift certificate for building materials. Your generosity is truly uplifting. Thank you.
  • Dealing with Setbacks: Nature threw us a curveball when a backyard tree, weighed down by the second round of heavy snow in the region, took out the power line to the Hen House. We’re in the midst of cleanup efforts and could use some volunteer help to restore power – please reach out if you’re available to assist.
  • Workshop Developments: As a solace for the electrical challenges with the Hen House we made important progress on the Workshop, thanks to Victor Densmore’s work on the door. We can now move the shop tools to a slightly warmer place with power! This allows us to continue with our renovations through the winter, even as we wait to restore electricity to the Hen House.
  • Artistic Resurgence: Danielle has reopened her painting studio here at Midheaven. We’re excited about this creative revival and look forward to sharing more of her work in the future.
  • Upcoming Gathering: We’re planning a relaxed First Night event here at Midheaven. It’s an opportunity to connect, share our story, and look forward to what’s next. If you’re interested in joining us, please get in touch.
  • Foundational Efforts: The incorporation of Midheaven, Inc. has led us into a phase of laying down the foundational aspects of our organization. We’ve drafted essential documents, including our Bylaws and Vision and Mission statements, and are shaping our values and goals. A comprehensive five-year plan is taking shape, covering key areas like governance and studio capabilities. Initial drafts of our Policies & Procedures and Conflict of Interest documents are also in place.
  • Call for Board Members: As we approach a new year, we’re inviting members of our community to consider joining our board of directors. Our goal is to convene our first board meeting shortly after the new year, so if you feel called to contribute at this level, we’d love to hear from you.

Despite my health issues earlier in the month, Danielle and I have continued with fundraising efforts, organizational planning, volunteer recruiting, developing community programming, and prioritizing making shared studio and spiritual space available at Midheaven for everyone as soon as we can. We have done so much, and there’s still so much to do, and we remain inspired through it all.

November has been a time of both introspection and action for us at Midheaven, Inc. We’re grateful for the community’s support and are eager to continue this journey with you.

Midheaven is ultimately about making and supporting connections that positively fuel our personal and spiritual journeys. In that spirit, we are always here. Want to know more? Feel free to stop by for a visit during the Perpetual Sale Hours, come back here for future updates, or just drop us a line. You’re welcome to reach out directly with any questions or comments you have. Midheaven is for you. Thank you.

Vision & Mission Statements

Following the incorporation of Midheaven, Inc., Danielle and I updated the Vision and Mission statements to better reflect our intentions.


Envisioned as a space of support and advocacy for personal transformation, art, and music, Midheaven emerges as a premier spiritual center and arts sanctuary nestled in the heart of Vermont. Our vision is to establish an oasis of spiritual rejuvenation and free artistic and musical expression where people regardless of background or privilege can converge to inspire and celebrate the depths of their inner selves. This serene haven, surrounded by Vermont’s natural beauty, is more than a retreat; it’s a vibrant hub for cultural, spiritual, and communal enrichment.

Midheaven will be recognized as a nurturing ground for artists, musicians, and spiritual seekers, especially those in underserved communities. We envision a community where artistic and cultural exploration are pathways to deeper understanding and connection, and where compassion, love, and empathy guide our interactions. Our community-focused workshops, gatherings, and other events will embody the spirit of adaptive growth and continuous learning through creativity and play.

In our journey, we commit to forming sympoietic and beneficial relationships with our environment and the broader community. Midheaven will evolve into a sustainable, eco-friendly center, actively engaged in environmental stewardship, advocacy for spiritual healing and the arts, and community enrichment. Here, sustainability and environmental responsibility are ways of life, reflecting our commitment to the well-being of our planet, our local communities, and future generations everywhere.

Our vision extends to fostering a world where cooperation and iterative progression triumphs over competition; a place where community well-being is valued over profit; a place where art, music, and spiritual healing are made available to everyone. Midheaven will stand as a symbol of hope and renewal, inspiring positive change and fostering a sense of unity and peace. We dream of a world where seeking enlightenment for creativity is a shared journey, making Midheaven a cherished destination along that path.


Midheaven, Inc. is dedicated to cultivating a vibrant, nurturing, community-accessible sanctuary for spiritual healing, arts, and music. Guided by the principle of do no harm, our mission is to help people foster a deep, enduring connection with the sacred through the transformative nature of spirituality, art, and music. We are committed to supporting personal and collective awakenings, advocating for environmental and socio-cultural sustainability, and promoting a culture of reciprocity, integrity, empathy, and cooperative harmony. We aspire to be a guiding light, offering solace, inspiration, and community for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual connections to others and nature.

Progress Report

While we were living through it, November felt to me like a one step forward, two steps back kind of month, and I wasn’t sure how this update would come across. Now that I can look back objectively, however, it’s clear that we made a lot of progress despite my own physical setbacks. Let’s get to it!

As I mentioned above, I’ve set up five areas of focus for us to help with organizing governance needs and tracking progress, so rather than the same kind of report I wrote up last month, I want to instead share the five-year plan we’ve drafted and follow up with brief progress updates for each of the areas. As everything is, this is subject to change and experimentation and will need continuous iteration and improvement (like we all do, right?), but it does give you a sense of our intended path.

2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028
Establishment and Initial Development Expansion and Program Development Consolidation and Growth Community Integration and Sustainability Long-term Stability and Legacy
Operations & Governance • Elect a Board of Directors.
• Complete foundational legal and compliance documents (Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy).
• File 501(c)(4) Application with IRS and for State Tax Exemptions.
• Develop an appropriate governance model
• Begin actively recruiting volunteers
• Strengthen board governance with ongoing training and development.
• Refine operational policies and procedures.
• Review and optimize operational efficiency.
• Implement a robust volunteer management program.
• Continue enhancing governance practices and operational efficiency.
• Expand community partnerships and collaborations.
• Plan for long-term sustainability and potential expansion.
• Develop strategies for broader impact and outreach.
Financials & Fundraising • Set up initial bank accounts and financial management practices
• Establish a budget and strategy
• Initiate the Perpetual Saturday Sale and other targeted fundraising campaigns.
• Start exploring grant opportunities and planning for diverse income streams.
• Explore & implement fundraising efforts focused on initial non-profit development
• Continue and assess the effectiveness of ongoing fundraising initiatives.
• Secure initial grants and diversify fundraising strategies.
• Aim for financial self-sufficiency with diverse and stable income streams.
• Develop long-term fundraising plans and partnerships.
• Establish a sustainable financial model with balanced funding sources.
• Explore innovative fundraising methods.
• Solidify long-term financial stability with diverse and robust funding sources.
• Cultivate a network of major donors and supporters.
Outreach & Programming • Plan for initial community events like the First Night celebration.
• Lay the groundwork for future spiritual, arts, and music workshops.
• Partner with local venues for workshop locations until facilities are ready at Midheaven
• Officially launch spiritual, arts, and music workshops and classes.
• Host open studio tours and community events with spiritual sympoiesis elements.
• Expand the range of workshops and classes offered.
• Organize special events that challenge traditional life paths.
• Integrate regular community events and performances.
• Seek strategic partnerships with educational and arts organization
• Assess and document the impact of Midheaven on the community.
• Strengthen influence in arts, spiritual healing, and sustainable living sectors.
Facility Improvements • Begin sustainable renovations of the property, starting with the workshop and garage.
• Meet appropriate zoning requirements
• Start plans for Hen House
• Complete porch and ceramic studio updates (wallboard, flooring, etc).
Continue eco-friendly renovations and start landscaping enhancements. Finalize major renovations and begin detailed interior and exterior enhancements. • Implement fully sustainable practices in facility management.
• Expand outdoor cannabis cultivation and other eco-friendly projects.
• Enhance facilities for better accessibility and guest comfort.
• Continuously develop the landscape for spiritual and artistic activities.
Studio Capabilities • Establish foundational studios for painting, ceramics/sculpture, print-making and expand home-based music recording.
• Start creating and selling art pieces as a fundraising initiative.
• Start writing and marketing music.
• GenX SOS (A Zine)
• Introduce makerspace capabilities: soldering, arduino, 3d printing
• Enhance music recording and production facilities.
Continue to develop and diversify studio spaces for various art forms. Upgrade and innovate studio facilities to support a broader range of activities. • Explore new technologies and practices for art, music, and spiritual healing.
• Adapt studio offerings based on community feedback and global trends.
This is a draft of a high-level five-year plan for Midheaven, Inc. and will be iterated on as necessary.

Operations & Governance

We’ve made the most progress in this area this past month with our incorporation as a non-profit, the drafting of associated legal and operational documents, and etablishment of a priority list of roles and positions that need to be filled. Currently, Danielle and I are acting as Program Director and Executive Director, respectively, and are hoping to secure funding for hiring and/or find volunteers to share the load.

But first, the next big milestone for us is to establish the Board of Directors, elect officers, and formalize the organizational structure. Our plan after that is to apply for 501(c)(4) status with the IRS. We are starting the search for volunteer directors this week and hope to be able to fill a quorum by the end of January, 2024.

Financials & Fundraising

In our journey towards building a sustainable future for Midheaven, Inc., we’ve recognized the importance of meticulous financial planning and robust fundraising strategies. Currently, our focus is on establishing a clear financial framework. This involves creating a stable budget projection and a long-term financial outlook, which will guide us in understanding the funds required to sustain and grow our vision.

In the coming months, our efforts will be channeled towards identifying potential grants and initiating fundraising endeavors, particularly once our board of directors is established and our regulatory documentation is finalized. We’re committed to developing both active and passive income streams that align with our mission. True to our mantra of incremental progress, we’ll begin with the most feasible initiatives, steadily building towards our larger financial goals.

Outreach & Programming

As for our outreach and programming, the wheels are already in motion for our initial community events, including the previously mentioned First Night soirée. These events are more than just gatherings; they’re the first steps in laying the foundation for our future spiritual, arts, and music workshops.

While our own facilities are being prepared, we’re exploring partnerships with local venues to host some of our events. This not only aids in our immediate logistical needs but also strengthens our ties with the community. It’s these connections that will enrich our programs and help art, music, and spirituality flourish in the heart of Vermont.

Facility Improvements

Our commitment to sustainability is at the forefront as we begin the renovations of our property. The initial focus is on the Workshop and Store, ensuring that these spaces not only meet our needs but also align with accessibility and zoning requirements. Plans for the Hen House have begun, and we’re also making strides in updating the porch and setting up the ceramic studio. Each step in this process is a building block towards creating communal spaces that embody our values of sustainability and creativity.

Studio Capabilities

In the realm of studio capabilities, we’re laying the groundwork for foundational capabilities in painting, ceramics/sculpture, print-making, and expanding our home-based music recording setup. These studios are not just creative spaces; they’re the birthplace of future fundraising initiatives. We’ve begun crafting art pieces and developing music that not only express our artistic vision but also supports our financial goals. Additionally, the inception of GenXSOS, our art/literary/culture zine, marks our foray into new, expressive territories and expands our ability to offer creative outlets to a larger community.


As we navigate through these early stages of the life and journey of Midheaven, Inc., our needs are as much about building a solid foundation as they are about fostering a vibrant community. In this regard, we’re reaching out to our community for support in two key areas: volunteers and donations.


The heart of Midheaven, Inc. lies not just in our mission and programs, but in the people who bring it to life. We’re currently seeking volunteers who resonate with our vision of spiritual healing, artistic expression, and community enrichment. Whether you’re skilled in carpentry, passionate about event planning, or have a knack for administrative tasks, your contribution can make a significant difference.

Specifically, we need assistance in:

  • Event Organization and Management: Help us bring our First Night celebration and future events to life.
  • Renovation Work: Skilled hands are needed as we continue sustainable renovations of our property, especially the workshop, garage, and Hen House.
  • Administrative Support: If organizing and managing are your strengths, we need help in coordinating volunteer efforts and handling day-to-day administrative tasks.

Volunteering at Midheaven is more than just giving your time and skills; it’s about being part of a community that values creative and spiritual growth. If you feel a calling to be part of our journey, please reach out to us. Your involvement could be the very thing that helps Midheaven blossom.


As a non-profit organization, Midheaven, Inc. relies on the generosity of individuals, businesses, and organizations. Your donations are crucial in helping us build and sustain a sanctuary for artistic and spiritual exploration. Financial contributions, however small, go a long way in supporting our programs, facility improvements, and operational needs.

We are also open to donations in kind, including:

  • Building Materials: As we continue our renovations, materials like wood, paint, and forestry tools are invaluable.
  • Art Supplies: To support our arts programs, we welcome donations of paints, brushes, ceramics materials, and other art supplies.
  • Musical Instruments and Equipment: To enrich our music programs, we are always grateful for musical instruments and recording equipment.

Every donation, whether monetary or in kind, helps us inch closer to realizing the full potential of Midheaven, Inc. as a hub for creative and spiritual nurturing. If you wish to contribute, please contact us for more details on how you can make a donation.

Thank you for your interest in Midheaven. We hope to hear from you soon.