Our Goals
  1. Foster a Sacred Space for Creative and Spiritual Growth:
    • Create and maintain a sanctuary for artists, musicians, and individuals seeking spiritual support, offering a nurturing environment where creativity and spirituality intertwine.
    • Provide resources, workshops, and retreats that support personal growth, artistic expression, and spiritual exploration.
  2. Cultivate a Center for Calm Creation Amidst Societal Shifts:
    • Offer a haven of calm creation and learning, countering the diminishing public support and education for arts and music in society.
    • Develop programs and initiatives that not only teach art and music but also emphasize their importance for personal well-being and societal health.
  3. Promote an Alternative to Conventional Life Path Paradigms:
    • Challenge the pervasive Western life cycle of school, job, retirement, death by presenting and practicing alternative ways of living that emphasize continuous personal growth, creativity, and fulfillment.
    • Encourage and facilitate lifestyles and career paths that integrate artistic passions, spiritual pursuits, and sustainable living and eschew competitive, profit-driven activities.
  4. Be a Beacon of Spiritual Sympoiesis:
    • Model a personal way of living and interacting with community based on principles of spiritual sympoiesis, emphasizing cooperation, mutual support, and interconnected growth.
    • Foster a community where individuals and groups work symbiotically, enriching each other’s spiritual and creative journeys.
  5. Create a Community of Shared Growth and Enlightenment:
    • Build a vibrant, inclusive community that values shared learning, collective creativity, and spiritual awakening.
    • Facilitate events, discussions, and collaborations that encourage community members to contribute to and benefit from shared knowledge, experiences, and spiritual insights.
  6. Advocate for Environmental and Socio-Cultural Sustainability:
    • Actively engage in practices and advocacy for environmental sustainability, integrating eco-friendly practices into all aspects of the organization.
    • Promote socio-cultural sustainability and reciprocity by supporting diverse cultural expressions, inclusivity, and equitable access to artistic and spiritual resources.